Photo: Laura Vanzo
The Impact of Public Policies on Labor Markets
and Income Distribution
AUGUST 21-23, 2018 | Tampere, Finland
Welcome to Tampere!
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 74th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF 2018)!
The congress theme is The Impact of Public Policies on Labor Markets and Income Distribution. In line with this theme, the aim of the congress is to provide a venue for presenting and discussing cutting-edge research in public economics, especially including research at the intersection of public economics and labor economics. As is traditional at IIPF Congresses, the program includes presentations from a wide range of topics in all areas of public economics.
In addition to plenary lectures by Gordon B. Dahl (University of California, San Diego), Henrik Kleven (Princeton University), Uta Schönberg (University College London), and Petra Todd (University of Pennsylvania), there will be 101 contributed-paper sessions with 366 papers that address a wide range of policy-relevant public finance issues using state-of-the art methods. The program features scholars from around the world, and promises to be both stimulating and informative.
We look forward to seeing you in Tampere and wish you all an enjoyable and productive congress!
Joel Slemrod
President, International Institute of Public Finance
Professor, University of Michigan
Kaisa Kotakorpi
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee, IIPF 2018
Research professor, VATT Institute for Economic Research
Professor, University of Turku
Important dates
Paper Submission Start: November 30, 2017
Deadline for Paper Submission: February 15, 2018
Deadline for Payment of Membership or Submission Fee to the IIPF: February 15, 2018
Notification of Paper Acceptance: Early April, 2018
Registration Start: March 26, 2018
Deadline for Registration of Accepted Authors: June 1, 2018
End of Early Registration: June 1, 2018
Deadline for submission to ITAX conference volume: October 15, 2018